Thursday, 3 April 2014

The Tree Climber

I don’t see any children climbing trees anymore. I guess they are just not interested or that they don’t see climbing a tree to be fun. Maybe their parents do not encourage them to do so, I don’t know.

When I was seven years old, I was very independent. Tree climbing was one of my specialties. As a matter of fact I was the best in my family. Our house was a large kampong (village) bungalow. Surrounding it were large fruit trees of various sorts; a Chikoo tree, a few Mango trees including a Kuini tree, and of course the usual Rambutan dan Mangosteen trees.  I could climb them all.  I remember my eagerness to climb any fruit tree especially if my father wanted to eat any of the fruits. All he had to say was, “Khalil, I want this or that fruit.”, and I’ll be on top of that tree. The thought of pleasing my father made the climb and the objective even more interesting, I had an errand from my father and I was going to fulfill it with pleasure. Climbing a tree was never more fun!


  1. Bapak, which one was your favourite tree? Tak lena gigot semut ka?

    1. sorry salah spelling... tak KENA GIGIT semut ka?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi tok bapak. Why did your father call you Khalil? some sort of nickname or something? Anyway nice post.

  4. Salam, how come you never taught me to climb trees :( ?

  5. The worst part, where we live now.... There are no fruit trees or "climb-able" trees... We're left with climbing stairs
    - Zauqi

  6. hello tok bapak.I like your post. Can't wait for more stories :)!!
    i wanna know more about * the war * you!!! :)

  7. From tok Mama:

    Well Done, I know you have more interesting episodes to share with your family. keep on writing.

  8. Same-same, ditto to all comments, WE WANT MORE!

  9. I cutting the tree in front of my house. Many leaves. Nw climb gate if keys left somewhere. Thats about the only climbing skill I have.

  10. -From LINDA-
    A story I can relate to hihihihi...
    I was a tree climber too!!! High5 Bapak!!! Mandi Sungai & tangkap ikan punya cerita coming soon? Hihihihi
    Pokok Duku, Rambutan, Jambu Batu and Manggis I dah conquered before I turned teenager. Once teenager jer dah malu nak climb hahahaha
    So sad my kids don't have that special moments...

    1. Awesomeee laa Linda!!
      The Little Tree Climbress!
